mandy who?

Hey. I'm Mandy.

Mandy Maravilla.

...wait - Mandy GRANT, actually. I've been married to a (non-kilt-wearing, very-Americany) Highland Scot for the last eleven years.


Before joining Clan Grant, I was a typical Missouri-born, quarter-Filipino preacher's daughter who confused everyone with my Spanish last name (maravilla means wonder!).

I've heard it all...




...even Mozzarella.

(YES. Like the cheese. Mandy Mozzarella.)

Luckily for me, my married name is MUCH easier for people now (although I've been called "Amy Grant" way too many times to count).

But if you're curious, it's pronounced mar - uh - VILL - yuh

...and Grant is Grant.

Nice to meet you. :)